When you first visit our website to register yourself or to place an order you may be asked for your email address, name, address, phone number or all the information that we need to collect that will help us in interacting with you. But there is no hard and fast rule that you have to provide this information when you’re visiting our website anonymously. Do you ever watch some advertising networks, advertising agencies, and advertisements that pop up out of nowhere? Well, those are delivered by third parties. These third parties are usually used to collect personal data and your online activities from you. Do you have any idea why they do that? No worries because I’m here to help you by providing why these third-party used to collect this information. By collecting this information they deliver you the sight of products that you’re interested in, so you can see all the products that you need in front of your eyes. One of the most important things that you should know is that we are not responsible for the information that these third parties collect. The information that you provide us is not being encircled by these third parties.

What do we use to do with the information that you provide us with?

Fundamentally we use the information for personalizing your experience. For example, if you don’t like our products or they don’t suit you we can personally interact with you and overcome your problems. Secondly, if we find any minor inconvenience on our website we can immediately overcome that problem with the help of your feedback so we can do better for you in the future. The third and most important is to improve our customer service. You can tell us about your experiences with our brand. We can interact with more passion we can respond to your needs and can support you in all the ways we can.